Captain Vasily Sharabarin

Captain Vasily (Bill) Sharabarin began his fishing career in Prince William Sound on a stern picker in 1987 fishing salmon with his uncle. By 1991 he acquired the 45 foot F/V Stranger, a combo salmon, halibut long-liner capable of holding 22,000 pounds of dressed halibut.

Bill’s son Nikita, who is a fraternal triplet, was making his first halibut trip before the start of school and looked quite tired. He reported the work was very hard. He had baited hooks and all other jobs on board. All the fish are immediately bled when they come off the circle hook. And within two hours of harvest all are put away in the hold,belly iced white side up and held securely in place with bin boards. The fish were well cleaned and temped nicely at 29-30s degrees Fahrenheit.